Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today's BR Link!

Today's Bible Reading chapters are...

Genesis 20 and 21

How's everyone's reading going? (Pastor Lydia)
Good, keeping up, not following, got lost... ????

Friday, February 19, 2010

Today's BR Link & Enter Contest!

Today's Bible Reading chapters are:

Genesis 10 and 11

here's the link :)
-ENTER 180BRG Contest! For Fun & Prizes!-
"180 BRG, Read to be heard Contest"

Submit a video or audio of yourself reading only the first chapter of Genesis, over any music or soundtrack of your choice. You can submit video or audio
Submission deadline: From February 15, to  March 14th, 2010

What the judges will be looking for:
"Bringing freshness back" to the reading of Genesis 1.

Genesis 1 is the most read chapter of the Bible, but it's the most boring, not because of its content, but because it's just one of those chapters people want to get through. But this shouldn't be?! God only created heavens and the earth on it! !! It should be exciting, exhilarating, and interesting!!! So, you think you can make all those emotions happen just by reading it? Submit your entries. 
You may be the winner! First place winner will "WIN A BIBLE!" Second place winner will win a "Journal," and third place winner will win a book- mark designed by one of our very own 180 designers!"

You can also enter this contest as a small group for the prize of a "group dinner party" being cooked for you from one of our very own 180 chefs! But for this, you must enter in a submission of 2 chapters: chapter 1 and a chapter of your group's choice.

Enter now! All questions, reservations and submissions to:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today's BR Link

And here's Today's Reading of Genesis:

Genesis 3-5

Enter the BRG: "Read To Be Heard Contest"for prizes! Look right----->
for contest information, in yellow writing.

Monday, February 8, 2010

180 Bible Group Reading restarts February 15th!

Welcome to 180 Church's online community of Bible Readers.

Let's continue to read together.

Here is our Bible Reading info:

Book:  Genesis

How long? 50 chapters. 

Reading Dates: February 15 - March 14

Recommendation: Read 2 chapters a day, except Sundays, and you'll be done exactly by March 14th!

If you don't have access to a Bible, you can use this online site below: 

Become a follower of this blog, so you can be connected!